Recovery Seed Backup Devices

Bitcoin Safety Blog

  • or Coinbase? Which one should I trust?

    Coinbase is a US company registered in the United States that trades publicly.  They have so much regulation to follow that it would be very diffi...
  • Anonymous Hardware Wallet Purchase

    One of the points of a hardware wallet is privacy.  That doesn't work if your info is stored on a database and the database gets hacked.  We have f...
  • How secure is your crypto?

    This is not for those on a Centralized exchange.  You know that you are trusting the exchange.  For those who are using wallets, how many of you a...
  • Prokey Hardware Wallet Review

    We just learned about a new wallet today.  It is called the Prokey and it comes out of Malaysia.  I have always wanted to go to Malaysia and perhap...
  • Hardware wallets is kind of a tough business

    Most of the hardware wallet manufacturer's didn't build in a distributor model for pricing.  I looked into selling Cool wallets and they wanted me...
  • Kasse Crypto Hardware Wallet Review

      The Kasse is small and kind of looks like a USB thumb drive from a few years ago.  It has two buttons and display.  You use the buttons in four d...