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Bitcoin Safety Blog

  • The advantages of providing liquidity over staking from a tax perpective

    I want to compare staking to providing liquidity to Pancake Swap over a longer term.  When you stake Cake or a single coin on Pancakeswap, you ear...
  • How to make money in a sideways crypto market

    For a decade Crypto has been about holding and waiting for it to go up.  With the emergence of Defi there is now a new way to make money.  You can...
  • Staking Cake

    We have been scouring Defi for about 8 months trying to find the perfect protocol.  It started last year with Uniswap and led us to a switch to Bi...
  • How do I yield farm?

    Here is one way to Yield Farm.  You will need a Trust Wallet and some crypto.  Or you need a Trust Wallet, any funds, and a Binance account. The fi...