This is our Xtra large seed device. It holds 5 letters per word instead of the usual 4.
This seed recovery device is unique in that it doesn't require a screw driver in any way. There are no screws to get lost. There is a small metal key but you could always use a penny in the future. Our 5 letter seed backup device is one of the easiest to use. It does not require a screw driver like most. It even allows you to add 5 letters instead of the typical 4. Keep your recovery seed safe with stainless steel. Stop writing them down on loose scraps of paper. Now why would you want 5 letters instead of 4? The main reason is that with 5 letters, you can pretty much guess all the words without looking anything up. With 4 letters, there is a good chance you will need to look up the long form BIP39 words but with 5 letters, it is pretty easy to guess. The downsides is that this device is slightly bigger than some of our other recovery seed back cassettes and weights a little more. The actual letters are done very well and when you run your finder over them you can feel the indentation. There are no blanks, so if you need a blank spot, you will need to put one of the tiles in backwards.
The packaging on this one is very plain. You would have no idea what is inside from just looking at it. The letters are all capitol letters. This cassette is made in Eastern Europe out of stainless steel. Although most cassettes scratch when you open and close them, the scratches are more pronounced on this one.
One of the best things about this particular crypto cassette is that it has a large open hole and a solid rivet. With one padlock, you can lock the device to the average prying eye. It won't stop someone that is determined, but it will stop the casual observer from getting a little too much info about your account. From our experience protection is primarily about making it hard for good people to accidentally to something bad.
A lot of good people who don't like to steam might get tempted if they have access to all of your funds. Don't give them the chance, keep your wallets secure and keep your passcodes in a cassette. Lock the cassette and put it in a safe.